
AeroLinX is a comprehensive billing system to address revenues generated in Aviation domain. The product is designed for all the ANSPs and Airport Operators to manage the revenues efficiently. AeroLinX has the capability to capture the complete lifecycle of every flight movement from touch down till airborne.

The solution addresses all the verticals of revenue streams pertaining to any airport ranging from small domestic to major International airport. "AeroLinX - FD" is a sub system with interfacing modules to integrate with external flight data automation systems like RADAR, AODB/AOCC, AMSS and AFTN. "AeroLinX - ERP" is a sub system with interfacing modules to integrate with external ERP systems like SAP and ORACLE.

AeroLinx comprises of various modules like :
  • Aeronautical Invoicing.
  • Non Aeronautical Invoicing
  • Casual Revenues Billing
  • Misc./Supplementary Billing
  • Debit/Credit
  • Reports
  • Dashboard Module for top management
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